Friendship: I'll be there for you, 'cause you're there for me too......

Life is beautiful and worthwhile. It’s a journey that is meant to be embraced to the fullest every single day. Elton John very rightfully says “Live for each second without hesitation”. Life gives us many unexpected blows and many memorable moments. This year came as a thunderbolt and thrashed many lives all over the world.

To live life to the fullest, optimism is the only path one should tread upon. Happy mind is synonymous to happy life. These lockdown days have righteously taught many a soul to find hope or optimism after a lot of tremulous thoughts and sleepless nights.

Happiness is a very relative term. Reading is one such activity which not only bestows immense pleasure but also enriches one’s mind with positive notions. Listening to music, sketching, painting, gardening are some exciting activities one can find pleasure in.

But the ultimate one is catching up with old friends. During these days of mobility restrictions, one can find solace in just a little telephonic conversation with our friends. Thanks to Graham Bell!!

This week I conducted this exercise and got in touch with our family friends far away in Atlanta. It was an amazing feeling to see them after a long span on video chat. This task illuminated our times spent together in Surat about two and a half decades back. Nostalgia prevailed and outnumbered the moments of time. The emotions that enriched our minds are simply inexplicable. The very thought of hoping to meet each other soon, lingered on for a long time. Our joy knew no bounds.

-Poornima Arora


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