The Quarantine Thoughts

Life…seems to be a simple and easy it though? I think it’s more of a long ride that at times can be surprisingly slow and stable (which is generally termed as “boring”) but, sometimes it suddenly gets filled with twists and turns and transforms into a roller coaster of high emotional, mental and sometimes physical rush. Now these twists and turns are what we now a days call “global events”...they may turn out to be good for some and bad for others. Now that 2020 has been somewhat named as the “doom’s year”, the most unpredictable months were that of March to May for Indians and the entire world. These months gave us an unforgettable and kind of historic term, “Lockdown”. Before this pandemic situation this term was just a dictionary addition far strange to the layman. But now, our lives have started to revolve around it.

Middle class households in India are diverse beyond imagination….they are generally similar yet extraordinarily different in every small aspect. But, there is one thing that connects them all and is dearly missed in these days of quarantine by many ladies is the “domestic help”. Most Indians now have realized the importance of “Kaamvali Bai” and have developed a newfound respect for them and their work. But in this absence of domestic help, households across India have become “Aatmanirbhar” or self-sufficient in true sense.

This quarantine is also working as a talent hunt show that airs on every social media platform. The most frequent talent showcased though are the culinary skills. The social media is hyped with the birth of newer master chefs every day. Who would’ve thought that a life without the regular junk can also be fulfilling and worth living. Even though this trend of homemade food has deprived the social network of hashtags such as “money spent well” with a surprisingly clear picture of your 1000 bucks bill, it has definitely given our bank statements the tag of “money well saved”. The idea of aimless wandering has surely been eliminated during this quarantine but, the enjoyment of family dinners has rekindled in the hearts of many. In this time where we aren’t able to see The Avengers save the world on the big screen, the regular family dramas have gained their TRP with a tag of “wholesome entertainment”.

Well, I guess this is where we part until the next post arrives. Be safe. Be happy. And enjoy your daily melodramas!!!


-Thoughts of Poornima in words of Anubhav.


  1. Amazing combination of thoughts and positive attitude and emotions also... And many people will get positive wines from it.. Stay safe and stay happy my dear friend

  2. Very well written Anubhav ✍️👍 Can relate to your words and Poornima Didi's thoughts! Yes...indeed a transmission from me & mine we & us

  3. Very well defined ..... reflect rs the both aspects of lockdown....I agree with your thought and respect too.👍

  4. Wowwwwww..very well penned ..loved it

  5. Perfect , you have penned down both the aspects appropriately.
    Most importantly you have also mentioned the fact that Tough time teach you good things. Keep writing waiting for your next post.


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